Presence and Poise: Developing a Commanding and Compelling Stage Presence

Presence and Poise: Developing a Commanding and Compelling Stage Presence

The Elusive “It” Factor

“You lack executive presence.” The feedback came after I’d interviewed for a stretch role. At the time, it felt vaguely like an insult – and if I’m being honest, unhelpful. What did it even mean? My first assumption was that I didn’t “look the part.” I’m from Texas, and my accent can slip out sometimes. I’m not one for excessive formality, and I have long, wavy hair that’s time-consuming to tame. How was I going to develop this elusive “executive presence” without sacrificing who I am and what makes me uniquely me?

As I started learning more about the topic, I realized two important things. First, executive presence is not about performance. This was both good and bad news. The good news was that I wasn’t lacking in terms of my accomplishments or abilities – I didn’t need to earn another degree or develop a new technical skill. The bad news was that my behavioral signals weren’t showcasing my competence or my leadership potential. Second, executive presence is a set of skills that can be learned and mastered. This was great news! I could learn to adjust my behaviors now that I knew what executive presence really meant.

The Three Pillars of Presence and Poise

The skills that make up executive presence – or what I prefer to call “presence and poise” – are grouped into three pillars: how you act, how you communicate, and how you look. Let’s dive into each one.

Pillar 1: How You Act

This is the most important element, and the goal is to demonstrate your ability to stay cool under pressure. The defining characteristics of gravitas are confidence, poise, decisiveness, integrity, emotional intelligence, reputation, vision, and charisma. To signal confidence and poise, I’ve learned to take myself seriously and keep my composure. I’ve defined my non-negotiables to help me make decisions faster and act with integrity. And I’ve worked on connecting with others by sharing relevant anecdotes, being careful not to let my ego get in the way or to try to cover up any mistakes I make – those behaviors will undermine my efforts and erode trust.

Pillar 2: How You Communicate

This is the easiest element to develop, and the goal is to build credibility. The defining characteristics of strong communication are a concise and compelling style, the ability to command attention, assertiveness, and the ability to read a person, situation, or audience. To ensure my message is heard, I make eye contact and choose my words carefully. I ditch the props, slides, notes, etc. when I’m presenting and focus on landing my points. When I’m participating in a meeting or presentation, I avoid checking my devices constantly or looking bored – these behaviors send signals that I’m not interested in hearing what my colleagues have to say.

Pillar 3: How You Look

This is the least important element, but it can be highly subjective and prone to bias. The defining characteristics of “looking the part” come down to grooming and polish. I dress appropriately for the culture and situation, finding role models to emulate and paying close attention to those who have the job I want. I avoid looking unkempt or disheveled. And if I’m working remotely, I take time to evaluate my office setup, lighting, and camera/microphone – I don’t want environmental or equipment factors to be a distraction for others.

Putting It All Together

Over time, I’ve made a conscious decision to stop reacting and start responding. I’ve become more deliberate with my words and focused on making eye contact. And I’ve started wearing my hair in a low bun to make sure my appearance isn’t distracting. Whatever skills you need to develop, don’t go it alone.

At the Musical Theater Center, we have a trusted group of colleagues to help you understand where you have opportunity to grow, and a safe environment to practice your new skills. Our Rise Leadership Program is dedicated to helping mid-career women move their careers forward by focusing on their own leadership strengths. It’s built on the premise that leadership starts from within, so you can learn from leadership experts and executive coaches as you develop an authentic leadership style that suits your skills and personality.

Interested in being part of our next cohort? Apply now to take charge of your future and start building the presence and poise that will make you a commanding and compelling presence on any stage.

Developing a Commanding Presence: Key Takeaways

Skill Description
Gravitas Confidence, poise, decisiveness, integrity, emotional intelligence, reputation, vision, charisma
Communication Concise and compelling style, ability to command attention, assertiveness, ability to read a person/situation/audience
Appearance Grooming and polish, dressing appropriately for the culture and situation

Remember, presence and poise is not about performance – it’s about aligning your behaviors with your competence and leadership potential. With the right mindset and a little practice, you can develop the skills to command any stage, whether it’s the theater, the boardroom, or the virtual meeting.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards becoming a more confident, poised, and compelling presence. The Musical Theater Center is here to support you every step of the way.

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